Guaifenesin and the Management of Chronic Bronchitis

Guaifenesin, a mucoactive drug, acts by loosening mucus in the airways and making coughs more productive. It is…

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Chronic Bronchitis

What is chronic bronchitis? Chronic bronchitis is a type of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). COPD is a…

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Symptoms and treatment of bronchitis

People with bronchitis have swelling and inflammation in their bronchial tubes, the air passages that link the mouth…

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Some Effective Home Remedies for Dry Cough

It is said that even the strongest of men are prone to the simple yet deadly trio of common cold, headaches and cough. Cough in actual is our body's defensive reflex and this sudden and many a times repetitive reflex is to keep our airway clear for the purpose of proper breathing.

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Guaifenesin: The Answer To Fibromyalgia?

Guaifenesin: The Answer To Fibromyalgia? There’s been a lot of buzz about guaifenesin (pronounced ‘gwhy-FEH-neh-sin’) in treating fibromyalgia…

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Guaifenesin is an FDA approved over-the-counter expectorant, usually taken orally to assist the expectoration of phlegm and mucus. Especially effective to help clear excess mucus and phlegm from the airways in acute respiratory tract infections. Newsletter

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