Fibromyalgia Back Pain and the Role of Systemic Enzymes in Fibromylgia Treatment by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read About 5 million people in the United States suffer from a debilitating pain condition called fibromyalgia. Conventional medicine has no clue as to the cause and cure of this painful, tiring, and stressful condition. Most people with fibromyalgia, 90% of which is women, cannot sleep at night because of the pain and discomfort. On the other hand, naturopaths who have some clue are missing the other aspect of fibromyalgia cause or contributor: the fibrosis part. You see, fibromyalgia is an acronym of two words: fibro and myalgia. Fibro is short for fibrosis while myalgia simply means muscle pain. Fibromyalgia could … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 733 views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia What is Fibro Fog? by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read While the most predominant symptoms of fibromyalgia include widespread pain and persistent fatigue, the resulting cognitive impairment of this condition may be its most maddening. Commonly referred to as fibro fog, this symptom is a conglomeration of cognitive challenges. Fibro fog is understood to be a physical symptom of fibromyalgia, not a psychological one. While research on fibro fog is scarce, experts agree that it is not the result of Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or other brain function deterioration condition. Of utmost importance is recognizing that fibro fog can be managed and with the reduction of fibromyalgia’s other symptoms, the cloud … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 766 views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia and Dehydration Similarities by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read How important is water to us? What if we went without it. Let us briefly see what an extreme case of dehydration does to the human body. Its been said that man can only survive 3 days without water. After 1 day the person feels light headed and dizzy,as their saliva slowly disappears and extreme thirst begins to set in. By the second day they become extremely uncoordinated and have problems focusing. As the dehydration takes its toll, cramping starts in the muscles of the arms and legs as the person writhes in pain. On the third day the lips … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 843 views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia Power of Positive Thinking – Controlling Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Fibromyalgia by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read If you’re someone that is currently battling Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia then it is absolutely paramount that you practice positive thinking and affirmations on a daily basis. You see, our thoughts are innately connected to our bodies and health so if you constantly think negative thoughts about yourself and your illness then you’ll experience a surge of negative symptoms and your condition will not improve. However, if you practice positive thinking then you can influence your healing and take control of your medical condition once and for all. If you’re still not convinced about the importance of positive thinking, … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 736 views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia (Fibrositis) – Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read Fibromyalgia, formerly know as fibrositis, is a common and chronic condition affecting the muscles. This condition is present more in women between the ages of 35 and 55. Stress, trauma and infection are believed to cause fibromyalgia. Common symptoms include pain, fatigue, emotional disturbances, headaches and abdominal pain. Unlike other rheumatic conditions, fibromyalgia is not associated with tissue inflammation. Patients affected with this condition appear to have an increased sensitivity to pain, which is wide spread and involves multiple tender points all over the body. The Ayurvedic treatment of fibromyalgia is aimed at treating the symptoms and reducing stress. Medicines … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 887 views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia Exercise by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read Fibromyalgia is a syndrome that is characterized by bone, joint and muscle pain. Although there is no cure for fibromyalgia, there are a few fibromyalgia exercises that you can do to relieve the symptoms associated with the syndrome. Yoga, pilates, and walking are a few of the best known exercises for fibromyalgia pain relief. It is very important to start out slowly with each exercise, and gradually increase the amount of time you exercise. Fibromyalgia exercises can be tough and painful at first, but after you are used to it, you will begin to feel stronger and healthier. Exercise is … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 823 views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – A 25 Year Battle Before Moringa by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read It started with a bad case of the flu. Throughout the rest of that year I visited the clinic because of sleep marathons and strange body aches and each time I was told I had the flu. People just don’t get the flu 5 times in one year. That was in 1986. When I started needing a nap every day I thought it was allergies, the doctor laughed and told me I was a bored housewife. Other symptoms cropped up, a spastic colon and inflamed bowel. Diagnostic tests of upper and lower GI’s failed to find any underlying medical issues. … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 791 views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia Massage Chairs Help Fibromyalgia and Polymyalgia by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read Fibromyalgia and polymyalgia are two different conditions, although you would think them to be quite the same, they are very different in many ways. In general, fibromyalgia involves the fibrous tissue where as polymyalgia involves affects the joint and muscle areas. Both of these conditions result in stiffness to the soft tissues areas resulting in pain. Massage chairs have been used to help sufferers of both fibromyalgia and polymyalgia. Fibromyalgia is termed a syndrome or a chronic illness. This syndrome can cause intense pain and extraordinary fatigue. Fibromyalgia affects the ligaments and tendons making them stiff. These symptoms can be … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 800 views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia How Raw Cacao Helps Fibromyalgia by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read Fibromyalgia is a serious, but non life-threatening disease and mainly only affects the muscles in the body. It usually begins with a tingling or burning sensation of then skin and then develops into muscle spasms to the point where you may not be unable to go about your daily life as you once did. But not only is it a crippling disease of the body, but of the mind and spirit as well. This is due to the fact that the physical pain can leave you feeling down and put you in a state of hopelessness. Perhaps it doesn’t help … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 934 views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia – 3 Common Sleeping Disorders – Part 1 by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read What happens when we are asleep? When sleeping there are natural functions of our bodies biological clock called, the Circadian Rhythm. This is our brains 24-hour clock which regulates all patterns of our body’s functions, including sleep. While the body is asleep, the Circadian Rhythm of the brain, does many things. Re-balances the bodies chemistry, repairs tissues and releases certain essential hormones. While sleeping this rhythm also regulates organ systems. The brain will take advantage of the down time to store information to use later. All this unique activity is happening during the deepest sleep and is necessary for the … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 1.6K views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail