Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – What is Fibromyalgia? by June 22, 2022 written by 5 mins read The definition of Fibromyalgia Syndrome or Fibromyalgia Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is: A illness that produces chronic pain in the muscles and fibrous tissues. The fact that the symptoms of the condition can come and go means that it is chronic and difficult to eradicate. Fibromyalgia symptoms can last for a week or a several months at a time. However, many people learn how to manage their pain and live productive lives. Many symptoms that occur in the body at one time make the illness a syndrome rather than a disease. The fact that so many fibro symptoms can occur at … Continue Reading June 22, 2022 0 comment 1.7K views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia Get Rid of Fibromyalgia Pain With a Detox Colon Cleanse by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read Living and coping with Fibromyalgia can be tough not only for the sufferers of the ailment, but also for other near and dear ones who have to deal with the agony of seeing their loved ones in constant pain and discomfort. Fibromyalgia , which is also known as Fibromyositis or Muscular Rheumatism is an ailment affecting the muscles which results in chronic pains in the neck, back, shoulders and other joints around the body. The worst part about the fibromyalgia is that allopathic medicine has no known cures for it and medicines and therapy can only help in alleviating pain and … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 1.3K views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia Chronic Insomnia, Nightmares and Bad Dreams, What Fibromyalgia Sufferers Need to Know! by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read While the types of sleeping problems vary from person to person, practically all fibromyalgia sufferers can relate to the aches and pains, fatigue, and depression that chronic insomnia and sleep disturbances can cause. Repetitive and ongoing nightmares are common complaints. If you’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, you learn quickly that the sleep difficulties you’ve experienced for years are part of a much larger picture. For some people with chronic insomnia, even waking up after they finally fall asleep, is an ordeal. Pain, depression and anxiety often accompany waking. And then there’s the fatigue… it feels like you’ve been up all … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 1.4K views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia – New Treatments by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read Fibromyalgia (FM or FMS) is a condition that causes chronic musculoskeletal pain. Besides widespread pain it is characterized by tender points, painful areas located in certain parts of the body. There are often other symptoms as well, such as fatigue, headaches, cognitive problems, sleep disturbances, anxiety and depression. People with fibromyalgia frequently have other comorbid illnesses, such as chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME), migraines, restless legs syndrome (RLS) and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Fibromyalgia commonly occurs together with autoimmune diseases, especially rheumatoid arthritis and lupus (SLE), but it is not thought to be an autoimmune illness. The exact mechanism that … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 1.8K views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia Combating Fibromyalgia With Flax Seed Oil by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read Have you been feeling widespread pain and aching joints? Do you sometimes feel so tired that just thinking about doing something is exhausting? Have you been feeling like this for a couple of months already? If you’re answering yes to these questions, you might be suffering from fibromyalgia. And if your doctor confirms that indeed you have fibromyalgia, flax seed oil, along with a healthy diet can help you combat the condition. Overview of Fibromyalgia The first step in overcoming the condition is learning all about it. Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that is characterized by widespread pain, tenderness and … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 930 views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia – What Is It And Can Heat Therapy Help? by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read Fibromyalgia is a medical term and is derived from three terms; fibro which means fibrous tissues such as ligaments and tendons, my which means muscles and algia pain. Fibromyalgia is a condition which is associated with lots of aching, and burning of the muscles causing joint fatigue which can either be mild or severe. The prevalence of this condition in European countries is anywhere from 2.9% to 4.7% making it as common if not more than rheumatoid arthritis. Fibromyalgia is a disorder which causes lots of pain and fatigue. The majority of people who suffer from this condition have a … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 948 views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia What is the Hyaluronic Acid Fibromyalgia Link? by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read Research into fibromyalgia and its causes is ongoing and there are a number of treatment options being studied. Now, a hyaluronic acid fibromyalgia has been suggested as a potential reliever and cure for this life altering, and increasingly common ailment. What is fibromyalgia? The condition is diagnosed when a person suffers pain in the connective tissues of the body, especially in the joints and in musculoskeletal areas, along with other symptoms like fatigue, headaches and poor concentration. However, pain is the overwhelming symptom and can stop people from performing day to day tasks that non-fibromyalgia sufferers take for granted. So, … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 835 views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia The Link Between Fibromyalgia and Drinking Water by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read When you were little, you will probably have been told how important it is to drink lots of water, especially if you had been running around. As you grew older, you may have kicked the drinking water habit, in favor of sodas, coffees and alcohol. However, if you’ve been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and drinking water is no longer part of your daily routine, then you may be missing out on the healing benefits water can bring. To understand why you should drink water, you need to understand why your body needs water. Blood is made up of 90% water, your … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 756 views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia, Chronic Pain, Anxiety, ADD and Your Brain by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read If you are suffering with fibromyalgia, chronic pain, anxiety, or ADD; science shows us you can find help, naturally, without drugs. Let me explain how. When you have a weak muscle, you can exercise it to make it stronger, as long as the muscle is not permanently damaged. Of course you have know specifically what muscle you want to target with exercise and how you perform the exercise. For example if your right bicep muscle is weak, you wouldn’t perform abdominal crunches because the abdominal muscles have nothing to do with your biceps. Similarly when an area of the brain … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 722 views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia Interview with Tami Brady, “Strategies – A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Journey” by June 21, 2022 written by 5 mins read Tami Brady earned a BA and MA in Archeology before turning her interests to alternative medicine, largely due to her own issues with infertility and being diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Today she provides whole health therapy sessions to help people with Fibromyalgia and infertility issues. She is the author of seven books, the latest of which is “Strategies: A Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia Journey.” Tyler: Thank you for joining me today, Tami. I’m intrigued that you’ve written “Strategies” as a memoir. To begin, will you tell us a little bit about your own journey dealing with … Continue Reading June 21, 2022 0 comment 909 views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail