Cough and Congestion Quick Cough Remedies – Instant Relief You Can Take by August 18, 2022 written by 5 mins read Cough – on normal days, it is forgivable and waiting for medication to take effect after a few days is okay. But if you need to be in a business meeting or give a speech to an audience, you may want a remedy that will immediately give you relief. Of course, these remedies are not really meant to cure the underlying problem. However, they can be pretty useful on certain occasions. Lemon & Honey Lemon is rich in Vitamin C and other soothing ingredients that can help relieve you from cough. Also, honey is known for its numerous healing properties. … Continue Reading August 18, 2022 0 comment 1.2K views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
FibromyalgiaGuaifenesin Guaifenesin and Fibromyalgia (The Surprising Truth) by August 18, 2022 written by 5 mins read Guaifenesin is the medication in Mucinex, an over-the-counter drug that is sold as an expectorant to break up mucus. Years ago, a Dr. St. Amand started the Guaifenesin protocol to reverse fibromyalgia symptoms. My interpretation of his theory (from reading his book and his website) is that fibromyalgia is a disease caused by a gene that makes fibromyalgia sufferers not have an enzyme that allows phosphates to be secreted out of the body via urine. So, the phosphates build up in every cell in the body, eventually stealing the energy of each cell. Years ago, I read his book, became … Continue Reading August 18, 2022 0 comment 1.4K views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Mucus and Phlegm Superior Vocal Health – Excess Mucus Production by August 18, 2022 written by 5 mins read Excess Mucus production What do we do, as Voice Professionals, when we have to sing a concert, give a presentation or speech, if we wake up the day of our event and have an excess of mucus on our vocal cords and in our throat? This is one of the many challenges of the Voice Professional. Excess mucus is almost always due to one thing. Diet. That’s right, Diet. Some people may say that it’s allergy season, or their house is moldy or they have always been prone to sinus problems. These factors are also possibilities in the mucus realm, … Continue Reading August 18, 2022 0 comment 1.9K views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Cough and Congestion Ayurvedic and Herbal Home Remedies For Cough Treatment by August 18, 2022 written by 5 mins read Cough is not a disease actually; it is a symptom of any kind of obstruction in the respiratory tract. Coughs can originate in the pharynx, bronchial tubes, trachea and the pleura lining of the lungs. In Ayurveda, coughing is known as Kaasa roga. It is predominantly an effect of the vitiation of the vata dosha. But the pitta and the kapha doshas can also cause coughs. Based on the causative factor, there are five types of coughs – vataja, pittaja, kaphaja, kshataja and kshayaja. Vataja cough is dry and hacking in nature. There is little phlegm observed. Side symptoms are … Continue Reading August 18, 2022 0 comment 1.4K views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Cough and Congestion Sinus Infection Congestion – The 3 Absolute Best Home Remedies For Sinus Infection Congestion by August 18, 2022 written by 5 mins read Sinus infection congestion is the worst! The unbearable sinus pain. The oh-so-attractive mouth breathing. We’ve all been there…an estimated 37 million people get at least one infection a year. That’s a lot of tissues! There are ways to ease the discomfort without running to the doctor for antibiotics or developing an addiction to decongestant nasal sprays. After suffering with sinus congestion for years, I’ve compiled my top 3 go to remedies whenever my sinuses start to ache. 1. Hot Toddy! Yes, hot toddy is number one. Why? Because warm booze is the best thing ever when you feel like crap … Continue Reading August 18, 2022 0 comment 1.1K views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia Why Use a Fibromyalgia Diet Plan? by August 18, 2022 written by 5 mins read Are you wondering whether you should try a fibromyalgia diet plan to obtain some sort of relief? It may feel like everything you eat and drink is affecting your symptoms. Plus, to make matters worse, it often feels as if you’re eating things that cause bad “flare ups” of your symptoms, but you’re at a loss as to what they are. Fibromyalgia is frustrating enough without worrying about the diet, but you can get your condition under control with your diet, so it’s a good idea to develop a plan that will help you get back to feeling healthy. A … Continue Reading August 18, 2022 0 comment 1.2K views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Mucus and Phlegm What Food Will Get Rid of Phlegm? by August 18, 2022 written by 5 mins read Phlegm is a thick mucus or gel that blocks your throat and nasal passages, usually when there is a viral or bacterial infection in the respiratory system. Your body produces phlegm when there are excessive toxins in your body. Some people prescribe honey & lemon drinks, some take bitter herbs or gargle with salt water when they have a sore throat. Which remedy is the best to get rid of phlegm and soothe your throat? Continue Reading August 18, 2022 0 comment 1.8K views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Mucus and Phlegm How To Get Rid Of Phlegm In Throat And Chest by August 18, 2022 written by 5 mins read Phlegm in throat is normal in healthy human beings, and its purpose is to filter the air we breathe by trapping tiny particles, like dust, and preventing them from entering our respiratory system. The phlegm within a person’s nose and throat is made by the cells which line the sinus passage and it is typically a clear color and quite thin. Continue Reading August 18, 2022 0 comment 1.5K views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Mucus and Phlegm How to Reduce Phlegm and Excess Mucus by August 18, 2022 written by 5 mins read Most of us think that mucus is a horrible slime but the truth is we need it in our bodies. In fact it is a lubricator for our sinus cavities, our guts and our lungs. It is our protector. Mucus contains antibodies when our bodies are challenged with a virus or bacteria or something we have an allergy too. That gue is a way our body is keeping us healthy. Without it we wouldn’t function properly. Continue Reading August 18, 2022 0 comment 1.1K views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail
Fibromyalgia Fibromyalgia Natural Treatments, What Really Works? by June 22, 2022 written by 5 mins read Genetically speaking, only about 30 percent of our health and wellness is controlled by our genes. The rest… 70 percent… is determined by our lifestyle. Understanding this fact makes it more difficult for us to use the excuse of genetics as the reason for our overall health and our weight. In addition, Doctors Kahn and Rowe who authored the book, Successful Aging, seem to have concluded that barring accidents, “normal, healthy individuals” are generally considered to have approximately 70 percent control over their longevity, as well! Bottom line… our lifestyle including food and drink choices, exercise level, occupation, etc… will … Continue Reading June 22, 2022 0 comment 1.7K views 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail